Thursday, May 16, 2013

"Cosmetic reality". The Koleston challenge. Triumph.

Everybody is very excited because we are on the last leg, after 40 days.
"...and then you walk to camera and all of a sudden everything goes Kaboom !!"
Ready for the first take.

From right to left:
"I think it should be there"
"No, I think it should be over there"
"Where ?


....Xavier ?..."

As far as we have been able to ascertain, the results were very good for the local client
(Procter and Gamble).
Ad I don't have to tell you just how pleased the agency was, specially the creative team, and that  makes me feel proud because creatives are very close to my heart.
I was also able to confirm the range of the AF 100
Confirmed it as we analyzed the material during the color correction.
And, just as I thought, it gave us the "look" we were striving for: cosmetic reality.

i know I have said this before, but I will say it again:
When you're working with a celebrity you are working for three entities::
The client
The agency
The celebrity

I already related the reaction from client and agency.
Here is what the celebrity thought of the process (yes it's in spanish, but I'm sure you will get the gist of it:

Well. That's it.
See you soon.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Cosmetic Reality. The Koleston challenge. Celebration.

One of the executional objectives was to enter into the intimacy of the celebrity's world. In this case for example, we catch Yuri at the moment when she's giving the last touches to the dining table that she has prepared for her friends.
In this context, the Koleston message becomes more "familiar"

Of course Yuri has a lot of help on set. After all, she is a celebrity.
When you're working with a celebrity that is a consumate professional, it's more like collaboration, rather than the typical Director-Cast relationship.
When you're running on schedule, everything is more enjoyable.

And yes....
It's a wrap !